Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Nortel T7316E Phone Review, A Top of the line Office Phone

Submitted by: Kevin W. (1/28/14)

A friend of mine owns a small telecommunications business in our local town. He hooked me up with some phones he said were the best he had in stock (at a discounted price of course). They were a little pricey but I decided it would benefit my business in the long run. By doing a little investigating online I discovered that Nortel was recently bought out by Avaya, another large company in the telecommunications industry. I thought this would mean I would be receiving phone with discontinued repair parts and outdated software, but it was actually the opposite. My associate assured me that this was a good thing because Avaya was one of the more reliable companies in the industry and they had just remade this Nortel T7316E phone from their factories and such. I took his word for it. After all he was hooking me up with a great deal on the phones so I couldn’t really complain too much.

He installed the Phone system which was compatible with the phones which is another very important aspect of having a well-oiled and complete telephone system (not just the phones). I believe I had the CICS system installed.  This also happen to be a top of the line model that he had, at the time at least, keep in mind this was about a year and a half ago and I’m sure some things have progressed. I received a total of 30 phones for my employees and one expanded model for myself.

Nortel T7316E
Nortel T7316E

The “Pros”:

After having them for a little over a year now I can say fairly confidently that I enjoy the phones performance thus far.
The displays look nice and for a multiline system it runs pretty flawlessly. They were also pretty easy to program. I like to keep things organized so having all the memory buttons really helped in this area. Another plus is this thing is durable. An employee in my office spilled coffee on her phone once and it didn’t seem to have any effect. I wouldn’t recommend spilling coffee on your phone but you get the point!

Some Minor “Cons” ( nit-picky ones):

The “end call” button looks a little too similar to the “Hold” button. This has caused me to drop a few calls when first starting to use the phones. After the first few weeks I began getting the hang of things and haven’t made that mistake since. No biggy. 
Also, for the average consumer or small business these phones can be pricey. Look around for refurbished models on Google or eBay or something because you can probably save half the price by going with a place that refurbishes these phones rather than sells them new.


To conclude my Nortel T7316E phone review I would have to say that these phones are the real deal. It could be the system I am suing as well but the phones have not let me down. If you’re on the fence about buying these for your office I would say go for it. The minor flaws are drastically outweighed by the benefits having this reliable product. Definitely shop around for the best price though as I stated above. Not everyone has a friends who sells these things (like myself, fortunately) so finding a good price will be wise. Thanks.

My new office phones are great; the Nortel M7310 Phone Review

I recently snagged some new office phones and I wanted to do a small review of the models that I bought. I was actually asked to do this review and I was more than thrilled since I had made a rather large purchase that I was quite happy with. It is not every day that I make a tech purchase for my office and it goes well (if you know what I mean). Someone is either pushing me on a contract or trying to get me to upgrade or blah blah blah these tech companies never stop!

Nortel M7310
Nortel M7310

Anyway, I bought 50 Nortel M7310 models refurbished from an online retailer. Buying them new would have cost me at least 3 times the price so I decided to just buy used. I also bargained with the company I was buying them from because I was making such a large order.
Pro Tip: If you are buying anything in bulk ( not just phones) make sure you bargain with the price. I could have simply entered “50” in the quantity box and hit order but I knew that I could get a deal for that large of a purchase. Just some words of the wise!

Before I bought I read some reviews and did my homework. I noticed that the M7310 model seemed to be a good choice because of its longevity and durability. I noticed one person who reviewed the item said that her phone has lasted her 14 years and it is still working perfectly, so with that I was basically sold on this model. That was exactly what I was looking for because I don’t plan on buying phones with in the next 5-8 years.

I’ve now had the phones for about 2 years and they have been working great. Except for a few accidents that my co-workers have caused themselves (no fault to the phone itself) we have only had to replace a 2 of them. Replacing them was easy and affordable. I just went back to the same website I ordered them from before and purchased 2 more (without a bulk discount this time, unfortunately!)

Here are some of my takeaways from the Nortel M7310:

The buttons are great because they’re bright and very easy to program. I have lost a few button caps but it has done no serious hindering to its performance. I also had a small issue with the display. It is smaller and much more limiting than some of the phones I’ve seen in the past. Overall this is not too large a deal either. It still service basic functions lie caller id and notifications well. The main plus of this phone has to be the ease of use and ease of purchase. Taking that into consideration and adding the fact that it will most likely last you 10+ years makes this phone a bargain especially when you buy refurbished. I’m the kind of person that sees business phones not as a technology that necessarily need to be top of the line or “flashy” but more so need to do its job well for a long period of time. As long as it gets the job done it’s great for me. In conclusion, this phone is a great choice for someone the uses the telephone every day and expects it to perform day in and day out. For a great refurbished price this is a bargain.

Submitted By Courtney W. (1/29/2014)

My Vodavi 3515-71 Phone Review, How My New Office Phones Compare To My Old Ones.

Submitted by Matt W. (1/29/2014)

Recently I was requested to write this Vodavi 3515-71 Phone review because I recently purchased them off a retail site and reviews of this product seemed to be limited. I accepted because it is important online consumers know what’s worth a buy and what’s not considering they can see the product fist hand for themselves. I am also one of “those guys” that do extensive reviews on stuff I buy from Amazon. Actually, I think someone knew this and that’s why they asked. No problem I enjoy doing. Alright enough about me, let’s talk about these phones.

I when I first entered the refurbishes phone website that I purchased them from I noticed that they had a very prominent message that said something along the lines of “All of the phones on this site will not work as standalone office phones the must be connected to the appropriate system’. I knew then that it would take a little more research than I had anticipated. So, I checked my preexisting phone system to learn the model name and number and did a little investigating to determine which models would be compatible with my preexisting system. As it turns out I have a “Vodavis STS system”. Only a few phones would work, one of them being the phone I purchased, The Vodavi Starpuls STS 3515-75 telephone. I was happy with this because I liked the look of the phone and they were a little less inexpensive than other models I was thinking of buying before I knew about the whole “compatibility issue” with my current phone system. I ended up buying only 2 units because the other phones I had in the office were working well. I also bought a few extra Vodavi handsets from the site because they were cheap and I figured I may need them down the road somewhere.

Vodavi 3515-71
Vodavi 3515-71

Takeaways the Vodavi STS telephone:

First, I want to mention that I really like the look of the phone. The charcoal color looks professional and clean and the texture of the phone is also pretty cool too. Instead of a smooth and shiny look like my old phones the phones have a sort of speckle texture with a flat color which I prefer. As far as I know the technology on the phone is great. I am not a big tech geek or anything, in fact, I haven’t even programmed most of the buttons on the phone. The software and inputs on the phone is something I’m looking to get into a little more. Maybe I’ll check back and write another review after I learn some more about this type of stuff since there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot written about it from a consumer standpoint. I bought them for roughly $100 and I think for the price it has been a fair deal so far. Again, if had another system I’m sure I would be paying a lot more so I am happy with how much they cost and their performance. I would recommend buying this if you too already have this STS system in place in your office. Model is: Vodavi 3515-71 Phone review.

How I Found Great Phones For A Great Price, My NEC DTH-16D-1 Phone Review

Submitted by: Brad K. (1/31/2014)

After months and months of searching for a phone system and phones that would best suit my new working environment I came across a NEC Elite 48 phone system and NEC DTH-16D-1 D-Term 80 telephones that had everything I was looking for. I also found a local service provider that works very closely with NEC and would come out upon moment’s notice to resolve any issues with my new system. I chose NEC because it seemed that they have very reliable telephones and great service providers.

Buying the equipment used save me a lot of money in the long run. Buying new would have cost me a fortune. Since I am also paying a for a monthly service contact I did not have the budget to buy the system and phones new. NEC has a wide variety of phones to choose from, many of which are more expensive or “advance models” than the 16Ds which I bought. I am not impressed with the more intricate phones because I do not even use all the buttons on the lesser models. There were also various cheaper models which I opted out of as well. I would suggest going with the bare minimum of whatever you think you will use. Personally, a few of my employees like to program the buttons so I knew I had to buy a middle of the road model to at least accommodate their needs. Otherwise I would have just purchase the less expensive phones they have. One thing I do really like about the phone is the ability to change different ring-tones for specific phone numbers. For example, here at my office we have 3 separate business entities that we operate out of the same business. Having a distinct ringtone helps us easily understand which company is being contacted exactly when the ring begins. This maybe be a typical feature on all NEC office telephones, I am not entirely sure.

I also enjoy the LCD screen and caller-id that the phone contains. It has never failed me and is very easy to read. Overall, this phone does nothing to seriously “wow” you. But it does enough to handle your everyday volume of calls very efficiently. After all, how much else do you really need a phone to do? I know some people are hung up on purchasing the latest and greatest technology but I am not one of those people, especially when it comes to my telephone equipment. This stuff can get very costly. DO I update my cell phone when the new model comes out? Yeah. But, I refuse to pay an extra $200 per unit to upgrade a phone that I only use as a phone. It’s not like these things can run apps or anything anyway- Just my opinion. This phone is a great buy especially if you search the internet for the best deal on used phones. The more you buy the large the discount you are likely to receive as well.

Looking For The Best Nortel Office Phones? Here Are My Favorite 3 Models

Written by Robert M. (2/10/2014)

 Today I was asked to write a review of my favorite Nortel office phones. I have been in the telecommunications industry for roughly 10 years now. 20 years ago I was a local service provider but after the rise of ecommerce and web based selling, I moved to selling refurbished telephones. Learning how to sell on the internet quickly replace my love for selling phone system. Not to mention, I found out there was a lot of money to be made in used and refurbished telephones online. I deal with all kinds of different brands but Nortel is definitely a top 5 brand for me. Here are my current Favorite Nortel models:
Nortel T7316E
Noterl T7316E

 1. Nortel T7316E -This is a great telephone. Plain and simple. It is a little more expensive than other models the company produces but it is well worth the price. The programming capabilities for this phone are top notch. The capabilities of this phone make it perfect to check call logs, access voicemail etc. If you have dealt with office phones in the past and are serious about keeping your data organize via your desk phone you should seriously consider this model. However, if you are just starting out getting used to programming your phones and are new to this type of digital telephone I would stick with something a little less advanced. No worries, I’m going to add some of these to my list shortly.
Nortel M7310
Nortel M7310

 2. Nortel M7310 - This is a durable phone that has lasted FOREVER in this industry. I’ll be the first to admit; there are never many tech advancements in this industry as compared to other industries. Often times phones from the 90's are still used in modern offices. This happens to be one of those phones. However, finding a phone that is as sustainable and has a long working life is rare and that is what separates this model from its competitors. I have customers who are still using their original phone for 10+ years now and still going strong. Not to mention it is very easy to program and has a very classic office look (In my opinion!). This phone can be found at bargain prices too if you find a site that sells inexpensive refurbished equipment.
Nortel M7208
Nortel M7208

3. Nortel M7208 -This phone is just a slightly downgraded version of its counterpart the M7310 (Which I described above in #2). It has all the great qualities the 7310 has except it is just a little less programmable with fewer buttons. I still like this model and highly recommend it to all my customers who are just starting out with their first office phones. If you have lots of staff to buy phones for this is also great because it comes at a very reasonable price. Either this or the 7310 should be your go to’s for buying in bulk.

 Hope this helped. Nortel Office Phones are great for all types of workers and they are always durable. Make sure to look for refurbished models before you buy new. Most of the time you’ll save more than 50% on each phone. Just a heads up! Anyway, thanks for reading and good luck finding business telephones.